Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beach Talk

I love the beach! I got to go to Lake Michigan two times this week! It was so beautiful. The sky was so blue both days. Thursday, Trish and I had a day hanging out--that was a treat. We headed north to New Buffalo beach. The water was very calm, and it was warm enough to wish we had brought our suits. Today, Dan and I spent the day at South Haven beach, Check it out. The water was deep blue and very wavy--the sound of the waves was wonderful. The air was cool and windy, but the water was too cool to be inviting. Everything was sparkling--the sand, the water, the sky! It was so amazing. I felt surrounded by the Lord's love for me to put me in the middle of such a beautiful place! I was filled with so many good memories of good times at the beach so I thought I'd post some beach photos.

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