Saturday, January 8, 2011


What can I add except more snow! And it is doing that as I write! More pix if we get 20 more inches!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wmHi Anne, I am at the hospital and was able to show my dad your pictures. he said that he was glad he wasn't there. Yesterday morning he had trouble with tachycardia, so they put him in ICU. His kidneys were not doing well and his obstruction is still there. Doctors were not optomistic, but today his kidney function improved and they are going to let his intestines rest a few more days and hope it resolves itself. My mom is also not doing well, so Barbara is coming Wednesday and Frances may also be coming to help. His new phone number is 817-912-6671
How is the snow situation today? We enjoyed looking at the photos. Thanks for sending them.