Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thankful week in New Orleans!

Dan and I enjoyed every moment of our wonderful trip down south. We drove the scenic route through Kentucky, Tennessee (where we had a flat tire!), and Alabama. We spent 2 nights in a little cabin in the woods in the hills of Alabama. It was a good way for Dan to "rest-up" after his busy nights in the hospital. We paid a visit to Mother Angelica's Monastery which is a huge edifice in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. Then we headed down to fun times with the Reinhardts. My brother, Mike, from SF, and Liz flew in to join us. (We really missed the presence of Dan's sister, Ellen, her husband, A.J., and our nephew, Adam. They were detained in Texas with a virus.) We had relaxing walks at the zoo and the sculpture garden, some delicious po' boys!, a Thanksgiving feast hosted by some of the Reinhardt's friends, and lots of time just sitting around loving up the 3 kidlets!

Favorite moments:
Danny crawling in to bed with Dan and I early in the morning.
Danny asking grandpa for "dam"(graham) crackers first thing in the kitchen.
Jane, singing her A, B, C's and The Wheels on the Bus.
Watching Jane trying to twirl around in her pretty Thanksgiving dress.
And we had a great time playing Ring Around the Rosy, over and over!
Peter is sooo sweet. I loved going in after his nap and being greeted by his quick smile!

1 comment:

mjsconnolly said...

Beautiful picture of Carolyn!